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21 Questions to Ask Potential Roommates for Comfortable Living Vibes

A cozy and bright living room with a mid-century modern design. The room features a comfortable grey sofa placed against a wall with large windows draped with sheer curtains, allowing plenty of natural light to flood the space. Two wooden armchairs with brown cushions face the sofa, accompanied by a round glass coffee table in the center. A contemporary light fixture with multiple round bulbs hangs from the ceiling, illuminating the room. The floor is adorned with a patterned rug, and a flat-screen TV sits on a wooden console table to the left. The room has hardwood floors and white walls, with a wooden doorway leading to a bright entryway with a white front door and sidelights.

Finding the perfect roommate (very sublet related) is like finding the perfect pair of shoes—it’s all about the right fit. To ensure you live in comfort, it’s crucial to ask potential roommates the right questions. Let’s dive into the must-ask questions for a harmonious living situation.

BTW: If you’re looking for a sublet, you can find it on Sublet Spots.


To find a harmonious roommate, ask about their pets, smoking habits, sleeping schedule, allergies, cleaning habits, temperature preference, frequency of guests, work-from-home status, daily routine, drinking habits, past roommate experience, cooking habits, rent payment method, social preferences, pet peeves, splitting utilities, dietary restrictions, comfort with sharing, financial stability, and relationship status. Additionally, consider personal preferences, noise levels, house rules, borrowing items, emergency contacts, communication style, conflict resolution, shared expenses, security deposits, lease agreement, long-term plans, and home security.

Watch for red flags like lack of transparency, frequent guests, financial instability, poor conflict resolution, and untrained pets to ensure a comfortable living situation.

21 Questions to Ask Potential Roommates

Do You Have Pets?

This is a biggie. Allergies, noise, and cleanliness can all be affected by pets. Make sure to ask if they have any pets or plan to get one in the future.

Do You Smoke?

Smoking can be a deal-breaker for many. Ask upfront if they smoke and if so, where they usually do it. This includes both cigarettes and other substances.

What Is Your Ideal Sleeping Schedule?

Sleeping patterns are vital to coexistence. Find out if they are an early bird or a night owl. Clashing sleep schedules can lead to disturbances and resentment.

Do You Have Any Allergies?

Knowing about allergies can prevent a lot of potential conflicts. This includes food allergies, pet allergies, and even sensitivities to cleaning products or fragrances.

What Are Your Cleaning Habits?

A clean home is a happy home. Ask how often they clean and what their standards are. Discuss if they are okay with a cleaning schedule or rota.

What Temperature Do You Prefer?

Room temperature preferences can vary wildly. Some people like it cool, while others prefer it warm. Discuss this to avoid thermostat wars.

Do Your Friends Come Over Often?

Guest policies are important. Find out how often they entertain and their comfort level with your guests. Balance is key to a peaceful home.

Do You Work from Home?

With remote work becoming more common, it’s crucial to know if they work from home. This affects noise levels, shared spaces, and internet usage.

What Is Your Workday Routine?

Understanding each other’s daily routines can help avoid conflicts. Discuss work hours, commute times, and home office needs.

Do You Drink?

Social drinking can be fun, but habitual drinking might be a concern. Clarify their drinking habits and comfort with alcohol in the house.

Have You Had Roommates Before?

Experience with previous roommates can be a telling indicator. Ask about past living situations and any conflicts that arose.

How Often Do You Clean?

Again, cleaning is critical. Confirm how frequently they clean shared spaces and their expectations of you.

How Often Do You Cook?

Cooking habits affect kitchen cleanliness and shared grocery costs. Ask how often they cook and if they’re open to sharing meals or cooking together.

How Do You Handle Paying Rent?

Financial responsibility is crucial. Discuss how rent will be split, when it’s due, and what happens if someone can’t pay on time.

Are You Introverted or Extroverted?

Understanding social preferences can help manage expectations. Introverts might need more alone time, while extroverts might enjoy more social interactions.

What Are Your Pet Peeves?

Everyone has them. Find out what annoys them and share yours to avoid future clashes.

Are You Okay Splitting Utilities Evenly?

Discuss how utilities will be divided. Make sure both parties are comfortable with the arrangement.

Do You Have Any Dietary Restrictions?

Dietary habits can affect grocery shopping and cooking. Make sure to ask about any restrictions or preferences.

How Do You Feel About Sharing?

Some people are sharers, and some are not. Clarify boundaries around shared and personal items.

How Will You Pay for Rent?

Ensure they have a steady income or means to pay rent. This includes discussing job stability and financial management.

Are You in a Relationship?

Relationships can bring additional people into the living space. Ask if they are in a relationship and how often their partner will be over.

Roommate Questionnaire 

Do you have pets?Allergies, noise, and cleanliness concerns.
Do you smoke?Health and comfort issues.
Ideal sleeping schedule?Prevent disturbances and align schedules.
Any allergies?Avoid potential health hazards and conflicts.
Cleaning habits?Maintain a clean and comfortable living space.
Preferred temperature?Avoid thermostat disputes and discomfort.
Friends over often?Set guest policies and ensure mutual comfort.
Work from home?Manage noise levels and shared space usage.
Workday routine?Avoid conflicts and disruptions.
Drinking habits?Ensure compatible lifestyles and comfort levels.
Roommate experience?Gauge past conflicts and compatibility.
Cleaning frequency?Maintain cleanliness and set expectations.
Cooking frequency?Manage kitchen use and shared grocery costs.
Rent payment method?Ensure financial responsibility and timely payments.
Social preferences?Balance social interactions and personal space.
Pet peeves?Avoid future clashes and annoyances.
Splitting utilities?Agree on a fair and comfortable arrangement.
Dietary restrictions?Manage grocery shopping and cooking habits.
Sharing comfort level?Establish boundaries around personal and shared items.
Rent payment capability?Confirm steady income or financial stability.
Relationship status?Set expectations for partner visits and shared space usage.
Roommate Questionnaire 

Additional Roommates Questions to Consider

Personal and Social Preferences

Hobbies and Interests

Understanding each other’s hobbies can help predict how you’ll share common spaces. Ask about their hobbies and if they prefer solitary activities or social gatherings.

Noise Levels

Some people enjoy a quiet home, while others prefer a lively environment. Discuss preferred noise levels, especially during early mornings and late evenings.

House Rules and Boundaries

Shared vs. Private Spaces

Clarify which areas are shared and which are private. This includes rules for using common areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.

Borrowing Items

Establish rules about borrowing personal items. Some people are comfortable sharing, while others prefer to keep their belongings private.

Emergency Contact Information

Share emergency contact information in case of urgent situations. This is crucial for safety and quick communication.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

Preferred Communication Style

Discuss how you both prefer to communicate, whether it’s face-to-face, through text messages, or via notes. Clear communication helps avoid misunderstandings.

Approach to Conflict

It’s important to know how they handle disagreements. Do they prefer to address issues directly or through mediation? Setting up a plan for conflict resolution can prevent future issues.

Financial Matters

Shared Expenses

Beyond rent and utilities, discuss other shared expenses such as groceries, cleaning supplies, and household items. Decide how these costs will be divided.

Security Deposits

Clarify how security deposits will be handled and what happens if one of you decides to move out. This can prevent financial disputes later.

Living Arrangements

Lease Agreement

Ensure you both understand the terms of the lease. Discuss what happens if one of you needs to move out before the lease ends.

Long-Term Plans

Talk about your long-term plans and how long you intend to stay in the shared living arrangement. This helps in planning and prevents sudden changes.

Safety and Security

Locking Doors and Windows

Discuss how you will handle locking doors and windows, especially if one of you is more security-conscious.

Home Security Systems

If there’s a security system in place, ensure both parties know how to use it and agree on its usage.

Additional Roommates Tips

Regular Meetings

Hold regular house meetings to discuss any issues or changes. This keeps communication open and addresses problems before they escalate.

Respect Personal Space

Respecting each other’s personal space is crucial for a harmonious living situation. Discuss how you can both ensure each other’s privacy and comfort.

5 Red Flags to Watch Out For

Lack of Transparency

If your potential roommate is evasive about details or seems to be hiding something, it’s a major red flag. Transparency is crucial for trust and harmony.

Frequent Guests

If they have friends over all the time without considering your comfort, it can lead to an invasion of your personal space. Clear boundaries are essential.

Unstable Job or Income

Financial instability can result in missed rent payments and shared expenses. Ensure they have a stable job and can handle their financial responsibilities.

Poor Conflict Resolution Skills

If they have a history of conflicts with previous roommates or seem unwilling to discuss and resolve issues calmly, it’s a sign of potential trouble.

Untrained Pets

Pets can bring joy but also challenges. Untrained pets might cause damage, noise, or messes, leading to frustration and conflict.

To sum up

Asking these questions helps ensure you find a roommate who matches your lifestyle and preferences, making for a harmonious living situation. By being thorough and clear from the start, you can avoid many common roommate conflicts and create a comfortable and pleasant living environment.